Since 1988, the "Journées de la Matière Condensée"(JMC) are organized every even year by the Division of Condensed Matter Physics of the French Physics Society (SFP). The main covered topics correspond to all areas of condensed matter, from concepts to applications. The success of the JMC (600-700 attendees) renders this conference the biggest congress on Physics in France. The 16th edition will be held in Grenoble from 27th to 31st of August 2018.
The organizing committee, lead by Robert Whitney (LPMMC), is composed of people from the main laboratories in consended matter in Grenoble (CNRS, CEA, Large instruments, University,...) and thus represents the full breadth of condensed matter.
Plenary speakers
Isabelle Cantat (IPR, Rennes) Soap films
Eric Collet (IPR, Rennes) ultra-rapid analysis of the structure of matter - Prize-giving: Ancel Prize (SFP) 2017
Sara Ducci (LMPQ, Paris) Correlated photons in semiconductors - Prize-giving: Ancel Prize (SFP) 2016
Silvano De Franceschi (INAC, Grenoble) Qubits and quantum engineering