JMC2018 - Grenoble - 27-31 August 2018

Practical Information > Rules for orals and posters

Talk rules

  • 15min talks = 12min +3min questions
  • 30min talks = 25min +5min questions (half of the talk should be an introduction to the subject)
  • Plenary and Semi-plenary talks = 45min +5min questions


For 15min talks there is no time to change computers! All slides must be in pdf, and must be loaded onto the conference computer during the break before the session.

For longer talks (30min talks, plenaries, etc), the authors must prepare their slides in pdf, and put them on the conference computer before the session. The orator can use their own computer (for animations …) if they wish, however they should reduce their time by 2-3minutes so we can switch to the conference computer after their talk.

We are sorry, but the chairpersons have to be very strict with the timing, because participants demand that sessions run on time, so they can go from a talk in one session to a talk in another without problem.


Poster rules

Maximum poster size : A0 portrait i.e. 84cm wide

Each of you will have a space to display your poster throughout the conference in the Galerie des Amphis where the coffee breaks will take place. There will be two poster sessions: Tuesday evening and Thursday evening.

We propose that:

- Posters with odd numbers are presented on Tuesday evening

- Posters with even numbers are presented on Thursday evening

Of course you are encouraged to also look at the posters during coffee breaks, etc.

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